The founding of
the saucy bean company
Our journey began with a need for a better, healthier option in the world of stir fry sauces. As our founder, Spencer, navigated his college days, he was always preparing stir fry meals - they were quick, delicious, and easy on the wallet. Stir fry used up all the leftover veggies in the fridge, and was packed with nutrients, calories, and protein.
What troubled him was the shocking amount of salt and sugar in the store-bought sauces he was using, which seemed to defeat the purpose of otherwise wholesome meals. This concern hit even closer to home, as Spencer's family had various dietary restrictions, pushing him to seek a more inclusive solution. The desire to share a dinner table with his loved ones and offer them a healthier, flavourful option became the driving force behind The Saucy Bean.
He embarked on this journey to create a sauce that not only met his personal dietary needs but could also bring families together over a nutritious, guilt-free meal.